Spring Century

8:11 AM on Friday, May 26, 2017

Safe Century

In 100 miles, I was only passed by 94 cars. Lots of nature; lots of open road; and the beauty of the Blue Ridge watching over you

  • 100.5mi


  • 5:51:46
  • 4,075ft


Avg Max
Speed 17.2mi/h 37.6mi/h
Elapsed Time 6:32:42

Time to up my distance.  A little rain, clouds being blown out by a rising breeze; not a perfect day, but still a good ride.  I did this the way I hope to do my cross-country days: done in less than 7 hours, a quick shower, and a good nap.



pictureI look forward to seeing the beauty of America on the transcontinental ride.  Yet the beauty of Virginia is stunning!  Rather than mindlessly log miles, I stopped a few times yesterday to capture some of the scenery that surrounds me daily.  I said a quick prayer of gratitude for the box turtle, deer, and fox that accompanied me.